The WLCF was formed in 1999 by a cross section of the construction industry representatives.
The Forum organisation that is financially supported by its members who include property clients, property owners/operators, construction consultants, contractors, PFI contractors, suppliers and material manufacturers. We have not received any financial support Government although several departments are members.
The remit was to develop a set of definitions and methodologies that could be accepted by the construction industry as a whole that would provide a degree of certainty when talking about WLC or providing quotations on a WLC basis.
If the WLCF process and methodologies do not use weightings and are therefore users are able to compare options on a like for like basis and it also permits benchmarking with other projects. This is not the case with other WLC methodologies.
For a list of members please visit the Members Page.
The WLCF has developed a web based WLC Comparator Tool which uses the WLCF methodologies and provides a secure process that does not allow users to access the calculations. Therefore any output or results from the WLCF Comparator Tool can be considered as authenticated as there is no possibility of manipulation of the results.